Monday, January 11, 2010

Intuitive KISS

I just learned about new phrase : intuitive control

rather than call things as easy or classical saying of 'user friendly', intuitive control made us believe to use any system for the first time, features, or anything easily, .....thats why maybe iPhone could make it through the market.

The chasm theory which i read before, reminds me that technology product always have to get across the gap of users which doom to make most of those product fail to attract the critical mass. it true that intuition is the key to consumer decision? people in this era of digital abundance have to deal with the impact of such complexity, which corner our mind to take the shortest route and pick the simplicity out of mess.

i remember years a go when i attended special class for university entry test preparation, which taught me all the easy short cuts, formula, and even just a hint to do the test rapidly, and correct. What really happened was somebody else did all the hard work for us, and we just swallow it ....intuitively.

Regarding the product or service design there will be the human factors to be considered, easiest work flow, simplicity, and the KISS credo i found...Keep It Simple and Smart as well

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